Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just rambling

August Rush~ "I believe in music the way some people believe in fairytales."

My romance apparently does not have to have a man involved only my heart, dreams, pen and blank pages to fill. Some people take lovers, husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends. I take pen to page close my eyes and pray for divine intervention to fill the blank slate into a lavish canvas of lovers never held and purged demons on paper. The voices as I like to jokingly refer to them as can be demanding little demons exacting from me frustration until the breakthrough the moment where idea hits page and I become this manic creature churning out whatever falls from me. Somewhere in the insanity of prose and paragraphs is me being taken along on this ride that I often until I dot the last line does not even know what she has written. Fairytales for me have usually been my altered perceptions of reality and pen. Some place between all the elements I go off kilter and then I am balanced my thoughts writing themselves more than me writing them. In those moments they are just words falling over one another. Then I stop gaze up at pages or lines of poetry and it is done as simple or as complicated as that. My problem with editors is that they edit, they want to rearrange what is in my mind done on the last stroke of the key or pen. I do not count myself as a perfect writer by any means but would anyone have questioned Mozart or Beethoven, I think not. So I sit here with my cyber offerings and I am unpublished except for here in cyberspace. I accept living with my status because I would rather one person read me and get it than some office dwelling pencil pusher express his pen all over my thoughts. If I was meant to be a millionaire best seller I would be or maybe what I lack in wealth I make up for in wealth of words that are still mine to leave them as I may. The correlation between the music and fairytales line from the film August Rush is this, words survive like music some will love what is expressed and some will not. When all is said and done in the end it is something that people will remember you by. I don't need throngs of people to remember me, I am not that needy but it would be nice to know perhaps just one soul passing through paused on my words and felt something from me. Be blessed all.

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