In honor of Halloween and my favorite Dracula...
Immortal Love
He found himself in a place called Brooklyn NY on October 31st his least favorite day of the year not that years still mattered to him for more than a hundred years. To an immortal times does not advance by days but just elongate into a blur of centuries. He realized to little to late that in his folly he had landed himself in NYC just before the mortal display of Halloween night and wanted nothing to do with the parade of mortal fake vampires that would people the city streets tonight. He went to the nearest place he could without thought of where it was and found himself in Brooklyn. He despised the cliche vampire theories about vampires sleeping in cemetery crypts although he had little choice of places to reside in peacefully in his unfamiliar surroundings tonight. All he desired was to find a shadow to retreat to on this all hallows eve so he retreated to the nearest cemetery to wait out the night and its fake plastic fanged teeth and cheep black capes. One might think this would be the perfect night for him to blend into his surroundings but the thought of all of it made him want to weep blood tears for the lack of respect to his kind by teenagers and fake vampire cult follower's. This night almost made him want to walk into the sunlight and be done with his immortality yet somehow he held on sure that his one true love would some day come back to his arms and heal his dead heart. He walked the cemetery grounds glancing at the grave markers not old by any means for his immortal years but they were fairly dated for this time period. He walked along the fence hating the sound of screeching passing cars. He was from a time where cars were unheard of and he had never gotten used to the progression of the ambition of mortals to use cars that were a constant noise on his keen senses to the night. It seemed sad that this huge cemetery seemed so forlorn and forgotten on a day when people should be celebrating the memory of loved ones passed rather than wearing cheep dime store costumes and begging for candy. He was lost in thought when he heard the scrape of a sound off in the distance and more than that could hear the heartbeat of a human. He thought to himself well now the night is looking up perhaps some dinner just walked into the cemetery. He walked to the sound and as he approached along the shadows he saw a female on the ground kneeling beside a grave flowers clutched in her hand and obviously weeping. A cascade of dark hair fell like a veil down her back and over her cheeks to shield her face. He stopped and inhaled the scent of her blood pulsing through her body warmly it made him ache to taste it. He watched her from a length of space away as she wept openly and occasionally looked to the sky in supplication. Surely this wretched creature was mourning someone lost to her and would be obviously happier to join them he mused not really caring as the thirst in him needed easing. As silent as a breath of air he came up behind her wilted form and in one motion had her standing pinned to him in his arms his teeth sinking into the warm press of her neck. The first taste of her was exquisite he could feel all of her pain and suffering. Her thoughts raced over him in a cascade of emotional waves. He saw her a scant few months ago standing lifeless over the same grave that of her husband who was a mere thirty mortal years when he died. Her despair was deafening to his senses. All of her pain poured into his mind like a flow of poison overwhelming him. He released her half drained body and she fell to the ground in a heap. His heart as it usually did when he fed felt the momentary fake warmth of beating for a few seconds then the nothingness but his thoughts swam. The love she felt for this man in his grave gave him an unnatural ache where love should be but not for hundreds of years for him. He had thought he found his beloved once but he had in the end been betrayed by her heart and he set her free. She breathed laying on the ground in shallow breaths trapped somewhere between living and dead. He curiously moved her hair away from her face in a macabre manner of an animal examining its prey. His own immortal breath caught in his throat as the vision of her anguished face came before his eyes. Her eyes half open she pleaded for her own end in her thoughts. She didn't care what he had done to her and it made his mind a jumble of confusion. He had never felt so much pain from any one human before. He gazed down at the grave marker and loathed the man beneath the ground that could make this woman love him so very much that her end would be her release. She opened her eyes and through a half alive gaze looked straight into his dark glance. Her pale trembling hand reached towards him almost unable to lift it towards him. Why did you stop was all she could say to him in a coarse sounding breath of words. Her pain transfixed him as did her beauty like some ethereal dying angel that only he could save from herself and render her back to heaven into her lovers arms. He crouched down beside her putting his hands behind her head to lift her towards his waiting release from hunger and hers from her torment on earth. Her eyes were glazed over in question looking back into his yet he hesitated. .He did not recognize the sound of his own voice" is this what you want he asked her, death?" she lifted her face towards him eyes beseeching him to end her torment. His eyes locked into hers he felt the pain of being left alone for so long tear through his immortal heart. It was as if he were truly feeling her anguished heart begging for release from the torture of being left behind. She had far less mortality in years to be in pain though than he had already lived and would live alone still. In a sardonic smile to himself he held her head in his one palm effortlessly and his other to his own lips raking a tear in his wrist with his own bite. Your pain will be my perfect love he said cruelly to her as he lowered his flowing wrist to her lips. the crimson flow of blood eased between her parted lips. She spat it out upon the first taste of his offering then an insatiable hunger overtook her and she bled him to near ecstasy for his kind. The river of his years almost driving her mind mad filling her head with his history as she drained him almost to breaking himself. Then at the last of his flow when he tore his wrist from her parted hungry lips the realization of what he had just done came clear into her minds eye. He was not a myth some childlike superstition on all hallows eve. She screamed out into the night in all of her anguish as he smiled into her eyes letting go of her to lay back on the ground. She would walk with him in torment forever as she lay on the cold ground in the cemetery beside her husbands grave wishing for true mortal death.
Happy Halloween!
(C) Angel Hart Short Stories
Saturday, October 31, 2009
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