Saturday, May 15, 2010

(Poetry) Piano Player

Piano Player

The silence just before the first stroke of the piano keys
Like the longing for a singular moment a deeper release

Ivory white and onyx black side by side like quiet soldiers
A gesture of notes that together are soft and moving into bolder

Waiting for the caress of fingertips like an intake of soft air
Filling the heart lost inside the music with joy or sad despair

Brushing over like a lover softly then the deepening caress of sound
Leaving one breathless with feelings of the heart left in astound

And the sound bursts forth sending tendrils of vibration reaching
Calling to something inner and divine as if it is singularly beseeching

To hold the ear fast in the passion of notes formed into a song
That take you on a journey that makes you ache, believe and long

As the music floats across the senses breathe in with no sense of inhaling
Ah to have an exit song to heaven played on piano when life is failing

Only a sound of the musician filling the room with an open heart and soul
Living is nothing without music to enchant and make a lost heart a whole

(C)Angel Hart Poetry
Friday, February 13, 2009

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