Saturday, May 15, 2010

Just Magic part I & II

Just Magic

She waits in the woods beneath a veil of diamond stars for her beautiful wolf to come to her. The glint of his silver blue eyes that would gaze inside of hers with an ache they both know well. The footfalls of her lovers approach is masked and muffled by dew drenched leaves blanketing the forest floor. The deep timber of his growl reaches her like a song on the wind she knows his sound in her soul. She aches to press her face against the warmth of his pelt and inhale the scent of him. Wild night flowers lend a heady scent of spice and wooded smells to cling to the insides of her nostrils. She sniffs at the night air willing her mind to single him out knowing that from some hidden place he approaches her. She feels him near before she lays eyes upon him extending a hand out in silhouette in the moonlight to touch him gently. The sound of his heartbeat catches her ear and she turns to see him standing almost as majestic as the age of the forest itself before her. He is her lover, her secret heart, lovers eyes locked together that have loved an eternity and would wait longer than one to share one another’s love again. He walks to her turning upright to a man from the wolf, this man she will love through the night on the forest floor with naught but heavens stars to bear witness to them. Theirs is the love of mystical forest things long forgotten in fairytales. A love born of angels and wolves that transform to mortals long enough to love with every fiber of their being and by daylight achingly walk away through the footfalls of a river of tears until they are in the place of magic that calls them back to love again.

Angel Hart Writings ©2010

Just Magic II

The moon was a pale shadow hidden behind gray shaded clouds. She waited for her love down hearted knowing that unless the splendor of moonlight broke through the clouded night her wolf could not come to her. She aches longingly to hear the underbrush issuing forth the sound of his footfalls on the forest floor. Her wings draped around her shoulders keeping out the shiver of the damp rainy night she resigns herself to her longing. Her tears slip down to fall into a gathering puddle mingling with the raindrops. Her once a moon cycle moment with her beautiful wolf was this night and the rain would now conspire to deny her this one moment her one hearts desire. She let fall her head hanging it down sadly as her tears were falling silently down her lonesome cheek. She ached for the timber of her wolfs growl against her cheek. She longed for the silver blue glint of moonlight inside of his eyes gazing inside of hers. Her wings felt heavy and tiresome but such was the spell of them she the fallen angel and he the wolf who lived as a man save one night a month when the moon was full. A lone owl hooted in the distance and she gently called back to it in its own tongue being a forest angel she spoke its song. Her body ached from yearning for her lover, her wolf to come and share the one night they had each moon cycle. The thought of not having him tonight made her sigh and cross her arms in front of her eyes to weep making a keening sound that the trees and the night held the pain of with her. She did not know how long she had kept her face tucked inside of her arms when she heard a low growl in the near distance. Raising her head from her arms she saw beneath her the rain and tear mingled puddle as the unfurled moonlight cast it's illumination over her and the silhouette of her wolf behind her. She gazed up to the sky thinking it a cruel trick but indeed the clouds had vanished and her lover stood before her in all the splendor of his silver gray coat. She reached a hand towards her wolf and stroked his face with tears of joy between them. She unfurled her wings to show him her immediate joy and he came into her embrace returning to the man she would share the night with or however long the moonlight stood sentry over two lovers. He took her face between his palms to caress her cheek and place a sweet kiss on her lips. My angel he said in an almost husky growl do not weep we haven't any tears between our love he said. Her sings encircled them both in velvet soft feather's. They would have the moonlight and one another's love after all a love born of magic on their sacred forest floor divined by the moonlight and the natural night serenade of the forest as old as time.

Angel Hart Writings (C)2010

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